Agricultural Machinery
مشاهده و ثبت نام
strategic Management
operations management
Production of Edible Mushrooms
Human Behavior Management
Electronic Learning Management
Principlees of Storage Management
Solution in the Laboratory
Principles of Management
Course before Hiring Technical Officials
Technology and formulation of beverages
Principles of Food Hygiene
Detergent Powders
Work Safety at Height
Processing and Packaging of Cereals
National and International Food Standards
Processing and Packaging of Teas
Risk Identification & Assessment
CIP in Food Processing
Laboratory Safety Management
Production Management and Planning
Detection of Rose Frauds by GC-MS
National Food Control Systems
Customer Service Management
Organic Food Products
Halal Food
Good Hygienic Practices (GHP)
Food Industry Machines
Good Distribution Practice
GSP(Good Storage Practice)
Agricultural pesticides
ساعت 8 لغایت 15
ساعت 15 لغایت 20
ساعت 20 لغایت 24
ساعت 8 لغایت 24 روزهای تعطیل
تماس و پیام در واتساپ جهت ثبت نام
ساعات اداری
لطفا چند لحظه صبر کنید.